Blue Lights

Excited to have Emma share on our family blog today.    One of the great things we LOVE about our new home, community and church family is that they really do everything they can to help equip the next generation and it begins by training and discipleship.  One of the programs Grace does for their 6th-8th graders out in the public middle schools is called “Thrive”.  On Tuesdays students go before school and get trained in worship, testimony, drama etc.  And then on Fridays the students lead and teach other students through worship, drama and teaching. Friday’s are 100% student lead.  I just got back from dropping Emma off this morning where she will be helping out with the drama this week.  BUT a few weeks ago, Emma shared her testimony and she wanted to share it here with you. Each person in our family plays an important role as we all live into our family mission: To show and tell people Jesus.  Thanks for representing our family well Emma.  We love seeing what God is doing in you and through you, through brokenness and restoration, and many God questions. So everyone, welcome Emma!



This post is by Emma Rhodes –  I am 12 yrs old.

My name is Emma and I will be sharing my testimony. One thing about me is that I like an adventure. My dad is a preacher and travels a whole lot and our family’s mission is to show and tell people Jesus. I have been to a bunch of different places but recently our family has started a new adventure. We just moved to Snellville, GA in November from Pawleys Island, South Carolina. We had been in that area for 4 years before moving here.

Moving in 6th grade is really hard. I have always trusted in God from a young age, and my trust was put to a test when we moved to Atlanta. I loved living at the beach in a small school with lots of close friends. Our family loved all the people there that we did life with. I was scared when I moved to Atlanta that I might not have that. As time passed, I had a lot of big God questions about why this was happening to me. “Why do I have to move?” “Why do I have to leave my friends” or like “why do I have to go to a new 3 story middle school?”

Just recently some of my questions were answered. During worship at LUG God gave me a sign with the lights in the auditorium. All of the worship lights turned blue. At first I had no idea what it meant. But I felt like this wasn’t a coincidence but God was trying to speak to me. I felt like God was with me at that moment and that he was concerned about me and cared for me. But as I began to pray about it I remembered In language arts we were studying the Mayans and the color blue in their culture represented sacrifice. And I felt like God was telling me that following God was always worth the sacrifice.


(Photo taken at LUG)

From that point on my relationship with Christ has changed. Atlanta is feeling more and more like home since then. Even though it is still hard, I am starting to make friends and we have wonderful families here we get to share life with. Some of my favorite verses that relate to this is Jeremiah 29:11 this talks about things happening for the best and that God can be trusted and followed. Luke 9:23 if we follow Jesus we have to pick up out cross and walk with him.  So whenever you go through hard times and it feels like you can’t trust in God, remember that “God is ALWAYS worth the sacrifice”. And He always brings good things from that sacrifice if we trust him.

Thank you for reading.  I was nervous about my first post.  I will try to post some more.  Emma

12 responses to “Blue Lights”

  1. I really enjoyed your post. I’m an Army nurse and my family moves every three years. My children have experienced sacrifice also. I will certainly share your story with them. Keep posting! You are a very special and talented young lady!

  2. Emma, This is Ms. Lisa. You may not remember me, but you were in my preschool Sunday School class back in Greenville. I love keeping up with your life through your mom on Facebook. I read your blog this morning, and I want you to know that your faith in Jesus during a time of transition has encouraged me today. I’m so thankful that you know that God cares about every detail of your life. You are precious to Him. Love you, sweet girl. Keep your heart open and know that Jesus never fails.

  3. Emma this is so encouraging. I know the move was really hard but it’s so good that you are obediently listening to God and receiving His word for you in the midst of sacrifice. It’s personally encouraging to me because we are about to move our whole family to Edinburgh; I will read your post to our kids as an encouragement to them that God is faithful and can be trusted. Thank you Emma for being brave in writing this post- I know how vulnerable it can feel but God really blesses others (and us) when we share our testimony of Him at work in our life. Your family is a great example of following Jesus – we love you all! Anna Robinson

  4. What a wonderful post Emma! I moved around a lot when I was younger as well so I know how you are feeling. Just know that God has some exciting things planned for your family. I am glad you are adjusting to your new home and school. I hope your brother and sister are as well. You are so right, God is always worth it! Thanks for sharing 🙂

  5. Emma, thanks for sharing! He is totally worth the sacrifice, sometimes we all need to be reminded of this, thanks for having the courage to share with others. You never know who God may want to impact with your testimony. I know your parents and grandparents are so proud and blessed, to watch the young woman of God you are becoming.

  6. I can soooo relate, Emma! We moved a lot while I was growing up. It is just so hard. What a beautiful story to share of how God has spoken to you! You’re right! He’s worth the sacrifice. He is also ALWAYS ALWAYS enough. He will bring you special friends in this season. Oh the plans he has for you, sweet girl. Keep shining and sharing Jesus! 😊

  7. …beautifully written, my Butterfly!
    I love you, and I am so proud of you!
    Love, Mrs. Brockman

  8. Emma, I was really impressed and encouraged by your post. I am so thankful that God and your family brought you here. I am also thankful that you have chosen here.

  9. Emma, I love your post and the things you’ve shared. I was particularly touched during the part when you realized God was speaking to you. It reminded me of just how much He does care about every little thing. I look forward to reading more of your shares! You’re very special and the Lord is already using you.

  10. Such a beautiful post, Emma. You and your family are such beautiful models of living as a family on mission. We are blessed by you all. Thank you for your courage in sharing your faith. God had great things in store for you. Be blessed.

  11. Emma, what an encouragement you were to me today! I have been home for almost two weeks with a pinched nerve in my neck. Also, we have had some changes in direction at my church that I have not understood. I have been discouraged but encouraged by others to look where the Grace is evident. Today the grace was evident in your life and story. Thank you!

  12. Emma, Thank you for sharing with us how God is helping you get use to your new life in Atlanta. Even adults have trouble sacrificing and following Jesus so you have helped a lot of people by telling your story of the Blue Lights. I look forward to reading more of your post.

    Praying for you and your brother and sister as well as your parents. God has great plans for all of you.

    May God bless you and keep you!

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